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PbSM has been growing it's studio space by utilizing the outdoor yard! There are many photo opportunity spots now available to use. Many styles, and themes are evident. And if your imagination gets going, you can invent a whole new style for a particular set design.

You are welcome to stop in for a tour or during your consultation is a great time to walk around the property. Take a look through the gallery below and see how some photo sessions have gone. Contact Sue at 585 - 297 - 6113.

Copy right: 2023 Photography by Susan Meier.

The Angel Heirloom Session



Your kids are your angels.

They are golden!

Time is so fleeting.

One of the many reasons why you need to always remember them as angels

and preserve this moment in time.

Together with PbSM a beautiful heirloom portrait can be created.

What a beautiful keepsake you will have. Display the heirloom during the

Christmas holiday season or leave it hanging on your wall year round.

You can fill out the form below to sign on for this session

OR just give Sue a call at

585 - 297 - 6113

November 5th - 12th.

Angel Heirloom

*Angel Heirlooms - one backdrop & outfit

*Choose how much time you need.  1 hour  or  1/2 hr.   $120  /  $80.

"Angel Heirloom Package" 

Torn Edge Float Wall Art,  2  8 x 10's,  6  5 x 7's.  --- $410.

"Angel Star Print Package "  

16 x 20 mounted print,  2  8 x1 0's,  6  5 x 7's.  ---   $260.

"Angel Print Package " 

11 x 14  mounted print,  2  8 x 10's,  6  5 x 7's.  ---   $230.

"Angel Files " 

With  5  digital files --- $500,

- Purchase  9  files and get the  10 th  Free!


***Add On Christmas Cards - 20 cards & envelops $26.00***

*Session is included in the pricing above.
*Other prints and products an be added via a la cart.

*Ask about the Cash payment incentive.

*Return Clients receive $20 off their total!


PbSM is COVID aware. *Please make sure your family members are all healthy and safe to enter the studio. *Reschedule your appointment if anyone is displaying cold symptoms or COVID.

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